
Date: March 13, 2020


In order to prevent the occurrence of COVID-19 disease in the National Theater in Nis, precautionary measures are necessary to prevent the potential spread of the virus. It is also necessary to adjust the daily functioning of the National Theater in Nis to the new conditions due to the appearance of this disease. This means reducing the transmission of viruses among employees, maintaining business and minimizing negative effects on other business entities.

General measures to prevent the occurrence and spread of infection are:

  1. All employees with symptoms of respiratory infections such as: dry cough, fever, shortness of breath must stay at home and be treated in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations
  2. It is mandatory to wear protective masks and gloves in risky workplaces
  3. Employees should be provided with a sufficient amount of soap and disinfectant
  4. It is necessary to ventilate the work rooms several times during the day and if possible keep the windows open at all times
  5. After coughing and sneezing, turn your head away from other people, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue that after use is to be thrown in the trash, and wash your hands
  6. Avoid touching the face, mouth, nose and eyes with your hands and avoid shaking hands, hugging and kissing when meeting and maintain a distance of at least one meter
  7. Avoid larger groups of people, workplace visits and unnecessary gatherings in the institution
  8. Clean work surfaces, mobile and stationary telephones, computers, keyboards, as well as other appliances used by a large number of people with disinfectant at least twice a day
  9. Adjust communication between employees and give priority to telephone conversations, messages, emails and video calls
  10. Adapt communication and staying in the same space to the new conditions (it is recommended to keep a distance of one meter from the interlocutor and not to gather more than three people in smaller rooms)
  11. Consider doing work from home
  12. Postponement of business trips in countries where intensive spread of the new corona virus has been proven
  13. Limit the arrival of visitors only to the most necessary and whenever possible hold meetings online



National Theater in Nis

Spasoje Z. Milovanovic, general manager
